聖闘士星矢 ゾディアック ブレイブ

by Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.



Familiar Saints appearing in successive works are appearing one after another! Experience the Saint Seiya action RPG with your own dream team!

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アニメオリジナルも含めた295体以上の聖闘士が夢の共演!ライバルたちと競い合う「聖闘士アクションRPG」!今始めると20,000個の聖石プレゼント!■簡単タップ操作で白熱のバトルが楽しめる!ペガサス流星拳やライトニングプラズマなど、聖闘士たちのおなじみの必殺技が簡単タップ操作で発動可能!お気に入りの聖闘士をとことん強化しよう!■バトル中にビジュアルが変化する「COSMO BURST([CB])キャラクター」登場!原作のように、バトル中に聖衣やビジュアルが変化する「COSMO BURST([CB])キャラクター」が登場!自身がパワーアップするだけではなく、パーティ全体を強化できるぞ!■アニメ版オリジナルストーリー「アスガルド編」追加!黄金十二宮を舞台とした黄金聖闘士との戦いを経て、海将軍たちと熾烈なバトルを繰り広げる「ポセイドン編」、冥界を舞台とした「冥王ハーデス編」、そして、屈強な神闘士たちとの死闘が繰り広げられる「アスガルド編」が、ついにストーリーに追加!女神アテナとともに、立ちはだかる強敵を打ち倒せ!■あなただけのドリームチームで頂点を目指せ!歴代作品に登場するおなじみの聖闘士から、劇場版を含むアニメオリジナルシリーズに登場する聖闘士まで、総勢250体以上の聖闘士から、あなただけのドリームチームを結成!原作を追体験する「ストーリー」や「聖闘士育成クエスト」でチームを強化し、ユーザー同士で競い合う「闘技場」や「グラードコロッセオΩ」など多彩なゲームモードで頂点を目指そう!■あのバトルが豪華声優陣で蘇る!バトル中には、豪華声優陣による「あの名セリフ」や「あの決めセリフ」がボイスで蘇る!「ペガサス幻想」などの名曲もBGMとして使用しており、聖闘士星矢の世界観をより感じることができる!「スマートフォンで再び、君の小宇宙が燃え上がる―」【動作環境、その他お問い合わせ】https://bnfaq.channel.or.jp/contact/faq_list/1735※このアプリは、必ず上記リンク先に記載の動作環境でご利用ください。なお、動作環境でご利用の場合でも、お客様のご利用状況や機種特有の要因により、アプリが正常に動作しないことがあります。●コピーライト©車田正美・東映アニメーション©2016 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.JASRAC許諾番号:9010553160Y43031本アプリケーションは、権利者の正式な許諾を得て配信しています。More than 295 Saints, including the original anime, co-star in a dream!"Saint Seiya Action RPG" to compete with rivals!Start now and get 20,000 sacred stone gifts!■ Enjoy incandescent battles with a simple tap operation!The familiar special moves of Saint Seiya, such as Pegasus Meteor Fist and Lightning Plasma, can be activated with a simple tap operation! Lets strengthen your favorite Saint Seiya!■ "COSMO BURST ([CB]) character" whose visuals change during the battle is now available!Like the original, "COSMO BURST ([CB]) character" whose sacred clothes and visuals change during the battle is now available! Not only can you power up yourself, but you can strengthen the whole party!■ Anime version original story "Asgard" added!After the battle with the Gold Saints set in the Golden Twelve, "Poseidon", which is a fierce battle with the sea generals, "Meiou Hardes", which is set in the underworld, and the mighty god warriors. "Asgard Edition", where the battle of death is unfolding, is finally added to the story!Defeat the powerful enemies that stand in the way with the goddess Athena!■ Aim for the top with your own dream team!From the familiar Saints who appear in successive works to the Saints who appear in the anime original series including the movie version, we have formed your own dream team from a total of more than 250 Saints!Strengthen your team with "Story" and "Saint Seiya Training Quest" to relive the original, and aim for the top in various game modes such as "Battlefield" and "Grado Colosseum Ω" where users compete with each other!■ That battle is revived with gorgeous voice actors!During the battle, "that name line" and "that decision line" by gorgeous voice actors will be revived by voice!Famous songs such as "Pegasus Illusion" are also used as BGM, and you can feel the world view of Saint Seiya more!"Your microcosm burns up again on your smartphone"[Operating environment and other inquiries]https://bnfaq.channel.or.jp/contact/faq_list/1735* Please be sure to use this app in the operating environment described in the link above. Even if you use it in the operating environment, the app may not work properly depending on your usage status and model-specific factors.● Copyright© Masami Kurumada / Toei Animation© 2016 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.JASRAC license number: 9010553160Y43031This application is distributed with the official permission of the right holder.下記の内容を新たに追加・修正いたしました。・一部機能の追加、改善を実施しました。

Read trusted reviews from application customers



Stuck on 99% bandai it's insane how bad at making games you are...........

adrian bajbakow


Siente Mi Amor

How this game their hacking play? Got fuxking hero in arena

Sqare Enix


fazendo make com as primas

Pay to win, new units every week almost, totally overpowered.

Alejo Valls


Greg Smillie

It used to be good, but now they are releasing super powered limited characters every month that completely warp the meta and leaves you out if you don't pay a whole lot of money.

Alejo Jose Valls

Good game! Very enjoyable and the character designs are faithful to the anime and toy versions.

Lester Jan Magno

How to change the language?????

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